December 27, 2004

give-and-take in 2005

Only because I consent, certain behaviors and circumstances have a free lane to become patterns in my life. It irritates me, and even though I have been able to recognize those recurring patterns, I haven’t been able to completely eliminate them. Consequently, at every end of a year I try to recognize my mistakes and organize a list of commitments for the New Year. Although I hardly ever succeed on keeping with my resolutions, I always spend some time thinking about them, jolting them down in an well ordered list and feeling strong about following them. It is too bad only a few get to become reality and even so, some times only for a short time.

For the new year of 2005 I already have one resolution written down on my mind’s list: “I will only be thoughtful and will only take good care of people who are attentive and caring to me. Reciprocal is the key word for the New Year!”