May 5, 2004

I'm not driving Miss Daisy

I’m truly thankful for not having to drive in wild roads anymore, like the ones I used to take in Brazil. The scariest one for me was Anhanguera highway, crowded with trucks driving in an insanely manner. I would arrive at my destination with a painful lump in my neck. In Brazil, drivers have to be aggressive and preventive at the same time, in order not to get in a crash.

My driving in Davis, California is a piece of cake, compared to my driving on Brazilian roads. People here seem to be more educated when it comes to traffic rules. The credits must definitely go to the horrifying movies students watch in driving schools, which hurt the heart, and to expensive tickets given by traffic patrols, which are very efficient hurting the pocket!

Apart from some scarce nut heads driving here and there, I feel safe most of the time. I go back and forth on I80, listening to music, singing along, never having to worry about trucks and getting my back, shoulders and neck growing numb and feeling paralyzed during my trips to Sacramento or San Francisco.

I guess I can say I feel more relaxed driving here, because my experience in Brazil was not a bed of flowers. Perhaps, if I had learned how to drive in California, I would fear other fellows on our highways. Still, what I really feel while driving in Davis is a huge irritation. I can seldom show my well trained and perfected Brazilian wholesome road aggressiveness, for the other driver’s slowness and incompetence won’t allow me. I am therefore twice as preventive, to compensate for the other’s lack of skills and assertiveness.

I am always in shock when someone slower than me won’t allow me to pass. I remember my mom yelling at people driving like that - “Are you on vacation??” [in Portuguese it sounds more daring and sarcastic - “Tá passeando, é??”] I simply can’t help but say furiously “Get out of my way, you little prick!!” and speed ahead, passing the relaxed vacationers using the right lane.

I also curse and grind my teeth to the goddamn drivers who park sideways, occupying two spots. And to the bloody ones who don’t give a light sign when turning or changing lanes. And to the freaking ones who just step on the gas pedal when pulling out of parking spots. And I honestly despise the ones that don’t know how to use the rear mirrors – and don’t even know they exist and have a purpose. And finally, I absolutely disdain the ones who are capable of hitting and destroying my parked car, while trying to fit theirs in a parking spot.

Well, driving in Davis appears to be safer, but is certainly not so. And it’s sure causing me a hell of a mental strain!