February 6, 2005

Cream of Avocado

The most unusual thing for Brazilians is the way avocado is eaten in North America. We are stunned to see avocado in dips, salads, or inside sandwiches. For us avocado is part of the dessert category. We eat it with sugar.

The avocados of my childhood, which grew almost wildly in any backyard, were huge dark green things, the size of a pineapple. Sometimes one avocado was too much, so we would use only half of it, and store the other half in the fridge to use later in another batch of avocado cream.

The best recipe for me took avocado pulp, sugar e limejuice. Blend it, serve it cold, eat it with a spoon. However, the most popular recipe was the version with milk. Always served cold, with a thick consistency, the avocado cream was simply delicious and the cheapest and fastest dessert.