February 1, 2005

January is gone

Whatever happened to January? It has never being busier!

Cold, dump and foggy weather. Almost two months absent from my daily swimming. No knitting. No swimming. No dancing. No parties. Only work, organizing thousand of things I procrastinated the whole 2004 to start. Papers, bills, money matters, and some fun HTML/CSS practicing. A lot of practicing, actually . Two websites, one very good and very useful. I started in a very busy year, and I just hope it never slows down. I look lazy, but I like action!

Back to knitting, back to swimming – and what a LOVELY beginning for February, 70ºF today! My life is a series of cleaning, straighten things up, shopping, rinsing, washing, thinking of faster and healthier ways of feeding the family, checking that everything is taken care, so one of us can be the best at their job – and I assure you it isn’t me!

I’ve been very excited about a special project that translates in a lot of work, but also a lot of satisfaction. I finally discovered a calling company that is making me call more and still save money. I’ve been careful, and persistent, and patient, and trying not to feel guilty for not wanting to write here so often.

Happy New Year!